About Us

Vision - Mission - Strategy

We are dedicated to decentralized technologies and the evolution of the Internet from Web2 to Web3

Web3 is the necessary technological trust layer in the evolution of the Internet - empowering every individual, device, and entity to control their data.
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We thrive for best execution to create value for a Web3-based digital world by enabling investors and entrepreneurs.
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We apply our investment and Web3 expertise to offer suitable financial products, aligned with the opportunities of the technological lifecycle.
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Jannis Choulidis

Managing Partner
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Dominic Briggs

Managing Partner
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Damien Roch

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Nikos Choulidis

Managing Partner
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Lars Singbartl

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Max Schneider

Investment Manager
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Rajeevan Rajendran

Investment Manager
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Syed Armani

Investment Manager
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Leonard Lang

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Blockchain Research Institute Europe
Kauffman Fellows
EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum
The Singularity Group
DT2 Invest Launchpad
International Token Standartization Association
European Blockchain Labs
Bundesblock Hessen